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Lulu Guinness Luxury Leather Bags

Lulu Guinness

Ciao Ragazzi !
Secondo giorno a Londra, oggi vi parlo di un brand inglese che adoro,
Lulu Guinness,
le borse must sono labbra rosse, simpaticissime clutch !
Sono appena rientrata a casa dopo essere stata alla sfilata Burberry (strepitosa), potete vederla qui… ed il mio outfit quiย , ho conosciuto diversi “personaggi” interessanti dai look strepitosi (presto le foto… nonostante io sia nel Regno Unito, non ho ancora incontrato the Prince Charming …
A presto …
Baci Baci
Hey Guys !
Today is my second day in London. Today I will show you these clutch bags by
Lulu Guinness
that I love! I just got back home after the incredible Burberry fashion show. You can see it here โ€ฆ.. and also have a look at my outfit here.
I met various interesting people wearing very original outfits โ€“ have a look!
I havenโ€™t yet found my prince charmingโ€ฆ there is always another chance tonight โ€“ we are going to an after party at Tonteria Club in Sloane Square!
Love and hugs

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