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Buondรฌ bellezze ! Come ogni settimana รจ arrivato il momento dedicato alla cosmesi, al Make-Up, alla cura della pelle curato dalla make-up artist Serena Pangallo; il post di oggi approfondisce l'argomento trattato la settimana scorsa La Cosmesi Premaman (vedi qui), dedicato alle future mamme; come ho giร ...

A jacket, a handbag or a pair of boots: the black skin is Must-Have!I enjoyed highlight the accessories and the details,ย what you think about this Outfit!Today was a full day, so I chose an outfit comfortable but...

This morning I opened the mailbox and I read: "Event Blogger invitation - Dior The New Nude ",ย I cried like a crazy girl!I'm very passionate about Make-Up and it was amazing to read that I was invited along with other bloggers Monday October 15 at...

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